1/640 sec at f/5.6, ISO 200, focal length 300mm, cropped
Here's Tippy, the runt of the litter of fox kits born under my friends' back porch. Watching through the windows as the three kits play, this little one has captured my friends' hearts and earned a name. He limps a bit, has a crooked nose, and shorter snout. Though he's the much loved favorite of the people who watch from the house, I have waited to introduce him here. I wanted to make sure he was going to survive, didn't want to have to post that he'd disappeared. Tippy caught a small bird resting on a low branch of a shrub a few days ago as I photographed the mother fox and her kits. He's been seen with a mouse in his mouth and is running, hunting, and playing with the others, so it's time to introduce him. Be assured, we do not feed these foxes. If we fed them, they might stop hunting and come to depend upon us. If we feed Tippy, he won't learn to hunt and survive. We watch them and they watch us from a comfortable distance.

1/800 sec at f/5, ISO 160, focal length 200mm, cropped