Yesterday's sunshine lit the last of the golden leaves in the trees as a gentle breeze fluttered them. When walking this week my eye was drawn here and there to the brightness of the season. It will soon be gone. Many of the leaves are already on the ground and trees that were at the peak last week are mostly bare. If the forecasted snow comes tomorrow, it will be our first good snow of the season.
Early morning sunlight highlights the feathery seeds of mountain mahogany, a common wild shrub. The feather tail on the seed curls when dry and straightens when wet. Once on the ground, the seed plants itself by curling and uncurling.
This early morning Lions Head view with the moon captured my attention on Sept. 27, 07 . With the sun's first light on the face of Lions Head the setting moon called to me to get out of bed and outside to photograph. I'm glad I did. Click the image to see it a bit larger.