Uncle Abert poses for my camera to thank me for the bit of multi-grain bread I tossed to him from the deck. He's an abert's squirrel of the gray and white variety, we have black ones and brown ones with ear tufts here, too. Last time I posted an abert's squirrel photo online, someone commented that my squirrels had been messing around with my rabbits. Another poster suggested that I'd altered the photo in Photoshop. Not true, and those who live in areas of the western U. S. where these squirrels are common know that these squirrels are real. This one had been visiting each day for for a week to eat sunflower seeds and corn when I decided to throw him some bread. We are good friends now, as long as I stay on the deck and don't venture too close to him. Shot with Canon 30D with 70 - 300mm lens at about 300mm.